
By Brother Tobi Thompson

18th April 2022


Dear Holy Spirit, we are here to learn from You, open our hearts to perceive and understand the living Word in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Tonight, we’ll be discussing “SANCTIFICATION”

Before then, I’ll like to hear your thoughts…what is SANCTIFICATION?

Response 1: To set apart, Purify

Hmmm okay… great!!! Anyone else?

Response 2: Sanctification is another word for holiness. It means to be set apart.


From scriptures, the term or word SANCTIFICATION is an action that has always been exclusive to God.

As rightly said, it means to be set apart, to purify… . However in more definite terms, it means to exclusively belong to God!

And the reason is this, apart from the truth that holiness is the BEING of God, holiness is so high a standard that only God can make one holy.

So, we see in the Old Testament beginning from Exodus how God would say things like, “put off your sandals for this is holy ground” as He said to Moses

“Make sure everywhere round the camp is clean” because I will be coming into your midst and things like that…

Holiness was such a big deal to God that at that time if an animal dared to enter where He was, the animal had to die.

If we decide to look at holiness through the lens of the Law, my brothers and sisters it’s hard 😂, because any small thing like this na punishment straight!

But Glory to God! In our days we’ve been brought into the Presence of the Holy God with boldness and confidence through the Blood of Jesus!

Of course, we are all believers here. There are some things I’ll like us to note.

In 1 Thessalonians 4:7, Paul said “…God did not call us to uncleanliness but IN holiness”

The first thing I’ll like us to know is this, if men never gave you the identity of holiness, men should never set for you the standard of holiness!

The second thing is this, we are not called to live holy because we want to be holy rather WE LIVE HOLY BECAUSE WE ARE HOLY!

“For if the first fruit is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so are the branches.”

[Romans 11:16 NKJV]

No believer’s actions or inactions can invalidate the God nature that has been put on them through faith in Jesus.

What God expects from us is to have a close relationship with His Holy Spirit within us so that we can REVEAL that which we already are.

“Nevertheless, the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.””

[2 Timothy 2:19 NKJV]

The Holy Spirit is the only Person that can help you run from iniquity continually, please just stay with Him and you’ll continually reveal holiness.

I’ll like us to affirm these things:

I affirm that I belong to God and Him alone.

I affirm that I am His Holy temple and therefore filthiness cannot be found in me.

I affirm that the Spirit of holiness is in me, so I am holy. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I am dead to the deeds of the flesh and alive to the things of the Spirit.

I have been predestined, justified, sanctified and glorified through faith in Jesus.

Thank You, Lord, for making me Holy! Glory!!



We receive grace to continually walk and work with the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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