After reading the story THE FIRST ENCOUNTER many of you wondered, if I met the man the Holy Spirit told me about and also how I met with him, I will tell you the story, I had a twitter account I was using for my modeling jobs and all, it had been opened for many years, not like I understood twitter so well or I was a pro with the application but somehow lets just say, I was a twitter user for many years.

My light wasn’t as bright as it should have been

It was fading away somehow and I knew it, I didn’t mind that it was going off, I was available for anything at all.


As time went on, I started to follow foreign accounts to get recognition, but one day, I logged into the twitter space and alas! I was block from using twitter, I did not understand why, I wasn’t given a reason either

No reason at all, I log into my email and lodged in many complains but twitter wouldn’t answer.

I sent mails with no heads way and I had to give up the account after two weeks or so.

Starting to build another account from the scratch was a big deal but it was better I had to


Days past and I came up with this current account. I didn’t understand what was happening but I knew the Holy Spirit might have had a hand in it, He had  plans for me but most times I obeyed him was out of force and as a result of fire in my bones (He made it a “by fire and by force” something for me at the time) so I obeyed him most times


Time passes and I came upon a story on twitter, It was an interesting story with an under tune of advertising the power of the Holy Spirit



I became glued to his timeline,

no! I wasn’t his follower!

No! I didn’t follow anyone that followed him!

I don’t think it was  a retweet either but maybe it was someone, a friend of a friend that liked his story and it appeared on my TL.


It just came on my TL as though I was his follower (don’t ask me how it was possible that was please)

Well..! I took interest and took note of his handle yet I didn’t follow him, I didn’t know why, any time I wanted to read a story, I would logged into twitter and go to his TL


Then one day a short story came of a woman that didn’t want a baby but missed her period, the story writer wanted a baby for her but she was having none of that, at last! She saw her period and jeered at him, she was happy his declaration concerning her being pregnant didn’t come true, he didn’t bother,

9 months passed and she birthed a baby! She called to let him in the know that she would be dumping the baby at his house


He laughed! (tell me about he who laughs last)

But the story kept me stirred!

I mean what manner of power is this?! I wondered!

I wanted it too!

I knew I was already anointed but I misused it a lot!


Using my mind and getting all those mundane things I needed!

Praying and turning situations in my Favour!

Saying hurtful words to people and it coming to be

If I wanted you dead, you die!


No! It wasn’t jazz or anything like that, I just got to have a taste of the supernatural without a training for it, I could tilt to the light (right) or to the darkness (left), it didn’t matter or did I think it did, I just controlled things I wanted and did anything I liked


But this?… 🤔

I want!

not just to show that I had power but for a good course

I wanted to be good too and channel what I had to a good course

I was tired of being selfish and using the anointing for self,

I wanted to be able to give a baby to those searching

I wanted to be able to raise the dead and reconcile them back to their loved ones as in his stories,

I wanted to be a solution to people’s problem too and not being the problem

I commented on his tweet and he responded in my DM

He gave me his number yet I was weary of reaching out!


Yes! I’ve talked and been with men of God before then, I had seen too many things!

My imaginations wasn’t a good one at the time and with me anything can happen, so I stayed away from people called of God!

….but this was different, after I collected his number I became uncomfortable, always having a nudging to call


Everyday I had a nudge to call and speak to him, (I didn’t know what it was then, I got to know it was the prompting of the Holy Spirit some time after)


Id be asleep by 5am and id hear it in my ears “call Him!”

Please who calls a stranger by 5am?

Okay! If I call, what to say?


No! I didn’t have a prayer request neither did the voice tell me something to say, neither are we friends so old conversation could spark up!

Id brush it off!

some times by 9pm, I’ll hear it clearly again

“call Him!”

Who was the “Him”?

He was Gbenga the writer!

I’d brush it off!

Then that feeling wells up in my system, that uncomfortable feeling,

No! It wasn’t painful or hurting, it was just uncomfortable!


The next day by 4am id feel a tap on my leg, I wake up still sleepy and the Holy Spirit would whisper again

“Call Him”

Ah! Who would take that load of whispers and not obey?

I got up by 4am and waited, while all my room mates where sound asleep I waited to call this man of God.

I didn’t feel it right calling that early.

It was Saturday 8am and I finally called


“Good morning sir, are u free to talk?” I stammered

He cuts the call and calls me back at around 9am


I was amazed!

He just saved me some airtime! LOL!

Erm?! What did we even talk about?!

Yeah! I remember now FRAGRANCE! Another of his story that changed something in me, broke all my barriers, a story that made me so tender and teary!

A story that talks about God’s love to us and the power of the Holy Spirit!

A story that the character committed suicidal yet met the Lord and was raised back to life by the power of the Holy Spirit! (This is a true life event, nothing fictions about it)


Yes! That story!

After the call, I was overwhelmed with joy.


That voice wasn’t about to leave.

By 5am the next day, it came again

“Call Him!”

Id ignore it cause I wouldn’t know what to call and say this time


Then one day around 7am, the voice came again! I called


“Hello sir, I just want u to speak into my day” id say

I kept calling him every new week since after

“Speak into my day sir” I’d say

He would pray with me and make declarations!

Then after I called many times with no tangible thing to say, I believe he got the wind of things and sent

Me a WhatsApp link of a school to join, it was a school of the supernatural and bible school the Holy Spirit had lead him to start online


I never knew anything of such existed but we can never go wrong by following the leading of the Holy Spirit!

….so are you led by the spirit at all times?

What is the Holy Spirit nudging you on to do?

For as many as at led by the spirit of God, are called the sons of God!

How can you be His son when you ain’t following his leading?

Are you interested on being led by the Holy Spirit?

Would you want to know whom you are called to be?

Kindly reach out to us if you fit in these category


If the Holy Spirit is asking you to join us, please do so!

14th sept., 2018 was our first chat in the DM and I’ve been wanting to write this story ever since to complete the story of the first encounter and also to encourage a brother or a sister out there,

My walk with the Holy Spirit has been from one glory ride unto another!

Join the glory cloud!

there is a broader view

A deeper realm

A fresher drink

There’s a longer breathe


You too can become the solution everyone is waiting for, remember the whole earth has been waiting on our manifestation?

It’s time to learn and walk in this light!



4 thoughts on “THE MEET UP!”

  1. so this story slightly relates to how i joined PFMI

    after i saw Sis Princess comment on a post, i saved it.. i had the nudge to reach out but didn’t

    i was visiting her facebook page for days and was totally engrossed with all i was reading.

    that was actually a time when someone told me the Holy spirit loved me and wanted me to serve him..

    i thought the service involved was joining a service unit in church, i became a worker in church.. but i had the feeling it wasn’t exactly the service.

    well after the back and forth for days, i finally reached out and got the link to join the PFMI family😊

    it’s been an awesome experience so far, i’m learning and relearning daily

    indeed PFMI is a training and brooding ground.. if the Holy Spirit is asking you to reach out, do well to.. wonders await you, Remain blessed

  2. so this story slightly relates to how i joined PFMI

    after i saw Sis Princess comment on a post, i saved it.. i had the nudge to reach out but didn’t

    i was visiting her facebook page for days and was totally engrossed with all i was reading.

    that was actually a time when someone told me the Holy spirit loved me and wanted me to serve him..

    i thought the service involved was joining a service unit in church, i became a worker in church.. but i had the feeling it wasn’t exactly the service.

    well after the back and forth for days, i finally reached out and got the link to join the PFMI family😊

    it’s been an awesome experience so far, i’m learning and relearning daily

    indeed PFMI is a training and brooding ground.. if the Holy Spirit is asking you to reach out, do well to.. wonders await you, Remain blessed

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