The Peace of Christ II

By Brother Sammy

11th April 2022

Let us pray.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for another opportunity to receive from Your Word. Lord, I ask for illumination from Your Word that will grant us deliverance from any and every issue that worries us in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Yes, and Amen.


I have a question😃

Have you ever gotten anything new that excited you for a while, but after a period of time, you realise that you have little or no interest in said thing anymore?

Oh well, if your answer is the same as mine, which is YES, then we are in the same boat.

Now here is why it is so.

You see, I believe that at the core of our being, the real you (spirit) has a desperate longing and desire that cannot be satisfied by materialistic or mundane things however important they may be.

Remember, the scripture says “deep calleth unto deep”.

The best that material things like money, cars, fame, influence etc can do in isolation to the kingdom is to give a temporary form of satisfaction and after a while, the pursuit for more begins and it sometimes may seem like an endless daunting cycle.

You see, my dearly beloved, while those above-listed things are important (and they also come from God, if I may add).  Only Jesus and what He offers you can truly satisfy the longing in your soul.

There is something Jesus offers that is worth more than the entire fortune of this world and that is His PEACE.

You see, it will do you a lot of good to hold on to the peace that only Jesus can offer.

The Bible says in Romans 14:17,

For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

[Romans 14:17 KJV]

You see, there is something the Holy Spirit made me understand. Do you see these three things: RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE & JOY (particularly peace)?

The Holy Spirit made me understand that they can only truly be derived in Jesus Christ alone and He said the problem is that some people have made it such that their fortune or a material thing is the source of their peace and their Joy, but what happens the day they lose them?

You can forget about getting righteousness on your own for self-righteousness is but a filthy rag before our Father.

Jesus said something about His gift of peace in the book of John.

Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]

[JOHN 14:27 AMP]

We, first of all, establish that true peace comes from Jesus.

Also, if you study carefully, you will see that the world also offers its own form of peace.

So how does the world offer peace? More importantly, what can the world offer that can be compared to what God offers?

At its best all the world can offer you are three things according to scripture:

  1. The lust of the Flesh
  2. The lust of the eye
  3. The pride of life.

For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world.

[1 John 2:16 KJV]

Your problem starts when you subscribe to the peace this world offers because, unlike the peace that Jesus Christ our loving Saviour gives us as a free gift, the world will make you work for the peace it offers.

You always have to do something to maintain such peace. For example, the latest iPhone is out, the iphone 13 pro max, and you know within yourself that you have a good phone already and cannot afford it, but you lose the peace Jesus offers and almost kill yourself with worry because of a mere phone.

Apostle Paul taught us to be anxious for nothing.

Worry is not allowed in this kingdom, people of God.

Jesus said, “Which of you by thinking can add one second to his life?”

Lastly, Apostle Paul said, “Godliness with contentment is great gain”.

Always thank God for your current level in life and trust Him to lead you to greater heights.

Please note that all the so-called material things are wonderful and God, being a good Father wants them for us, however, He is the one that will bless us and lead us on the right path.

So, don’t cease your peace or lose it because what you are trusting God for has not yet come to pass. At the appointed time God, the Father will bring it to pass.



Nothing Missing!!

Nothing Broken!!!


Father, we thank You for Your Peace that flows in our hearts. Thank You because we know that You have given us everything that pertains to life and godliness, therefore we rest, knowing fully well that You will always take care of us. Thank You, heavenly Father. May your Name be praised throughout all the ages. Yes, and Amen!

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