The Righteousness of God

By Brother Tobi Thompson

14th November 2022

For a few minutes wherever you are or whenever you see this, bless the name of the Lord

It’s been a long time since January 2022 and here we are, strong and alive in Him!

Thank You, Lord, for being so good and gracious to us.

Thank You, Father.

This year alone, many of our brethren have seen plenty of pepper and shege😂. We thank God for their lives too.

Glory to God…

It’s good to have everyone here tonight and I thank God for the wisdom and spiritual understanding He has bestowed upon us.

Thank You Holy Spirit for teaching us tonight. Amen.


Alright, let’s interact a bit. When you hear THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD, what comes to your mind?

I’ll like to know…


“1st Response: God’s undefinable nature

Hmmm, interesting. Thank you

2nd Response: What comes to my mind is, I am God’s righteousness

Haha! That’s our reality in Zion. Glory to God.

Thank you so much for responding”…


Alright, so you see God has many attributes and expressions. In fact, there is no one on earth that can totally explain who God is.

Men have tried but yet nobody fit talk say them don see God finish.

How do we explain a God that is seated above the heavens and makes the earth His footstool??? How??

See what Isaiah says,

Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, Measured heaven with a span, And calculated the dust of the earth in a measure? Weighed the mountains in scales And the hills in a balance? Who has directed the Spirit of the Lord, Or as His counselor has taught Him? With whom did He take counsel, and who instructed Him, And taught Him in the path of justice? Who taught Him knowledge, And showed Him the way of understanding?
Isaiah 40:12 – 14 NKJV

See, God is so deep that if He didn’t and doesn’t reveal Himself, men will be confused and will then give His glory to another…

In spite of His depth, all through the Scriptures we see attributes that form the core of God’s being.

So you see the names we give to God were borne out of interaction with these attributes.

Pa Abraham had an interaction with God and Jehovah Jireh was born (Gen 22).

Hagar had an interaction with God and El-Roi was born (Gen 16).

Mankind will have an experience of God and they will be stirred to give Him names that suit that moment.

Even in the spirit realm, they give God praises according to the attribute they see and something the angels, 24 elders, and other spirits emphasize is HOLY IS THE LORD

However when you ask God to introduce Himself?.

He will tell you, I AM WHO I AM (Exodus 3) and I’ll tell you why.

This is because God ALWAYS relates with men according to their level of understanding BUT He wants us to know, I AM MORE THAN WHAT YOU UNDERSTAND.

In other words, if God is a provider to you, He is saying He is more than a provider

Yes, God is good but He is more than good.

I want to lay a foundation before we get on the audio call at 8 pm.

God is reminding someone tonight, I AM more than what you understand about Me.

Open up your hearts and let Me take you into the depths of My Being.

One thing I know God loves to do is give names to mankind and of course, introduce His own name.

E.g He says I AM THE LORD that heals you.

To Abram and Sarai, from today your name shall Abraham and Sarah thereby causing the barren to become fruitful

And for every time the couple consciously called themselves the name God gave them, they were aligned to the will of God for their lives

Can you imagine that at almost 90 years, a King was still eyeing Sarah whyy??

For everytime Sarai was called Sarah, it caused an effective change to her body

Sarah means beautiful Princess, so even at almost 90 abi 90+, she looked very beautiful and appealing!

Alright brood upon this, we’ll meet at 8 to discuss an attribute of the Lord that was introduced to us and the name He has given us as well.


To listen to the audio continuation of this teaching, join us on telegram here. The link to the audio file will only work if you join the fellowship so, make sure you join.


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